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Category of components to be visualized and baked from loaded STB data

Stb to Line

Display a part as a Line

DataLoad STB file Input the Data output of the component
BakeLayers each Line according to its cross-sectional sign and bakes it
NodesOutput the Point3d list of nodes
ColumnsOutput list of column lines
GirdersOutput list of girder lines
Postsoutput list of post lines
BeamsOutput list of beam lines
Bracesoutput list of braces lines

Stb to Brep

Display a component in Brep.

DataLoad STB file Input the Data output of the component
BakeBake each Brep layered by cross-sectional code
ColumnsOutput list of Brep's representing column shapes
GirdersOutput list of breps for beams
PostsOutput list of Brep for columns
BeamsOutput list of Brep for small beam shapes
Bracesoutput list of breps for braces
Slabsoutput list of Brep for slab shapes
Wallsoutput a list of Brep for wall shapes

Display specification

  • Walls should include openings.
  • Slabs may not output properly if they are concave