Add Badge to README

This chapter describes how to badge the CI results in the README.

Getting a badge of build results

You can get the results as a badge. Using it makes you feel like a well-maintained repository. To create badges, you can use the service to create them. If you enter information about the repo as shown below, it will automatically fetch the information and create a badge for you.

You can paste it into your README and display the badge in the repository.

Getting Codacy Result Badge

You can get it by going to the target Codacy page and going to the Codacy Badge section in the General section of Settings.

Get a Code Climate result badge

Go to the target Code Climate page to get the Maintainability Badge under Badges in Repo Settings.


Write a link to the image of the badge retrieved at each location in your README.

Good 👍


Evaluate Code Maintainability


Create your own pages using GitHub Pages

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